北緯23.39°N凍頂鳳韻(烏龍茶/高山/清香)/已售出: 2306件 NT$5,000 內容量:300g (100g x 3罐 /盒)



內容量:300g (100g x 3罐 /盒)







The locale at 23.39° northern latitude originates Taiwan’s leading winning tea; it culminates the renowned champion tea of extreme rarity.  The Dong Ding Oolong Tea “Longxiang Fengyun” produced in Lugu has derived from such a remarkable golden cultivation latitude.

At 23.39° northern latitude with a year-round median temperature at 23°C, the unique terrain has culminated a wealth of minute elements and minerals in the soil, where the meandering mountainous terrain shrouded in the clouds, as if in a Shangri-la microclimate, provides an ideal setting for the tea trees to grow, and in turn culminates the “Longxiang Fengyun” Tea nibs with excellent favor and rich with nutritional value, and for how it embodies the energy of the heaven and earth at the golden latitude, the combustion of the “Long” and “Feng” creates the remarkable golden value of a mature favored and subtle flavored package tea, serving a cup of the “Longxiang” for the savory taste or the “Fengyun” for the pure tea flavor.  It leaves a savory taste in your mouth and transcends your spirit.

Continuing with the thousand-year-old production craft of the Tang and Song dynasties’ “Chinese Tea Culture”, the opulent “Longxiang Fengyun” premieres a semispherical compact teamaking craft, featuring a lustrous green/brown coloration, and the tea appears in orangey yellow and translucently bright, with interwoven leaves of red and green, an abundance of subtle floral aroma, making it ideal for friends to share, over a few ounces of the fine tea, sipping it slowly or simply gulping down, the Longxiang Tea’s savory taste, and the Fengyun Tea’s pure tea flavor continue to linger in the mouth, not dissipating its aroma, as it seems just to describe the flavor as “Preemptive”.  The Dong Ding “Longxiang” and “Fengyun” Oolong Tea produced at 23.39° northern latitude remains an all-time favorite, whether it be for your own collection or as a handy gift for gift-giving to friends and family.